
Genomic wellness by Genessense.
Making Sense of your genes.

Who we are?

Genessense is powered by MedGenome, Born With Vision to provide an insight into an individual’s unique genetic makeup, and to pave a road map for their healthy wellbeing.

We are a global leader in genetic testing services, with unique genomic research solutions, committed to deliver world class genomic solutions with greater precision and accuracy to empower every human being for better management of their health since 2013.

What we deliver?

Genessense delivers a full spectrum of predictive health insights that span from Genetic risk screenings to comprehensive genomic wellness packages to provide information about your genetic risk of developing many health conditions.

Genessense genetic risk screening is based on years of research and validation based on data curated from exhaustive genomic analysis of the population groups and is designed by the scientists at MedGenome. The data generated from this research is at the heart of Genessense test offerings.

Pioneering technologies in personal genomics like Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) and Microarrays coupled with bio-informatics data analysis are engaged to decipher and generate your genetic risk status for a particular health condition or conditions.

How we do it?

Though multiple genetic screening methods are in practice for screening health conditions, the prediction of genetic risk for a chronic disease is majorly driven by polygenic risk score (PRS) based genetic screening. We utilize the latest PRS based approach, which indicates if the individual is at a high, moderate or average genetic risk for developing a specific trait or disease.

Although PRS based genetic risk score screening is emerging, we also utilize the power of latest genomic technology for sequencing full-length targeted genes, arrays to analyse epigenomes and genotyping variants for risk assessment of many diseases and health conditions.

Our Scientists have invested 10000+ man hours on research and validation to design and develop the Genessense Genomic Wellness Services.

What you get?

Genessense brings to you a first-of-its-kind, revolutionary Genomic Wellness Screening that helps you identify your genetic risk of developing lifestyle associated, chronic and other diseases.

Genessense provides easy-to-understand information about your genetic risk predisposition along with the recommendations for the way forward of your health.

Choose our screening test

Genetic screening from the comfort of your home in
5 easy steps

Talk to our expert Genetic Counselors,
pre and post genetic screening to understand better.

Know more


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