
Frequently Asked Questions

About Genessense

Genessense by MedGenome offers a range of genomic tests to help individuals gain previously genetic insights about their health. We are committed to providing people with insights about their core programming – their DNA, which can be used to plan for a healthier and wholesome future. Our tests are some of the few that have been specially designed from genomic analysis of the Indian and South Asian population, which make our results extremely relevant for the Indian population.

Any adult can carry a serious health related risk in their genes. This risk of future health issues is not visible, nor can be known by any other type of investigation. We encourage all adults to get tested so they have peace of mind and more control over their health in the future. With regular monitoring and relevant lifestyle changes, one can prevent early onset of many dreaded diseases e.g., Coronary Artery Disease (CAD), Diabetes, Hypertension etc. even if one comes out to be high risk. These tests provide you with an insight into your future health based on your unique genetic make-up, something ordinary biochemical tests cannot do.

Genessense is powered by Medgenome – India's leading genomics and clinical data-driven diagnostics and research company with the highest throughput genetic testing lab in India. Learn more about Medgenome here. Our expertise, experience, facilities, and scientific rigor set us apart from other genomic testing companies in India.

Genessense is offered by MedGenome, and use a state-of-the-art Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) facility, which houses cutting-edge genome sequencing platforms such as Illumina’s NovaSeq, HiSeq X, HiSeq 4000 and 2500, MiSeq, etc. Our Sequencing facility is supported by a sophisticated IHC pathology lab and we even utilize modern molecular techniques such as FISH, PCR, Sanger Sequencing, and Microarray to offer comprehensive diagnostic solutions to individual customers, researchers, doctors, and hospitals.

Yes, Free Pre and Post-test genetic counselling which needs to be scheduled by the consumer from the Genessense website contact us section or dial the toll-free number 1800 296 9696.

Polygenic risk score is a genetic score/number derived from analysing multiple genetic loci of an individual to give a prediction score and estimates whether the tested individual is at a high, moderate or average genetic risk of a specific disease.

The odds-ratio is a multiplier indicating your chance of developing disease in comparison to the general population.

Genessense tests are genetic screening tests not a diagnostic test.

Next-generation sequencing (NGS) is a sequencing technology that offers ultra-high throughput, scalability, and faster DNA and RNA sequencing.

An alteration or permanent change in the DNA nucleotide sequence.

The genome is the entire set of DNA instructions found in a cell.

Privacy and data use

Your informed consent is essential before we can test you. Obtaining consent involves informing the potential test taker about his or her rights, the purpose of the test, the procedures to be undergone, and the potential risks and benefits of participation. The goal of the informed consent process is to provide sufficient information so that a potential test taker can make an informed decision about whether to take this test and further, to enrol in a study or to continue participation in the same.

This means that your DNA sample will be stored with the processing lab for a minimum period of 3 months for the purpose of conducting additional tests that you could opt-in for later.

Genessense values your privacy as paramount. Your demographic and personal medical data will never be shared with a third party. We may use aggregated, anonymous data from our tests as a part of our research – but there is no link to individuals in such a use of data.

You can view data of your family only if you have a shared Genessense account with all kits registered under the same account. Apart this no one else can see your data. Your data may also be used for research purposes. However, the same will be deidentified or anonymized.

Sample & Sample collection

DO NOT eat, drink, smoke, or chew gum for 30 minutes before giving your saliva sample. Spit into the open funnel until the amount of saliva (not bubbles) reaches the fill line. Most people take 2 to 5 minutes to fill the tube. Please refer to the kit contents for detailed instructions.

There are some steps that one can take to produce higher quantities of saliva. Please check the sample collection instructions provided in the kit.

No, one collection kit is needed per person.

Saliva samples are the most reliable non-invasive way for us to obtain enough DNA for analysis. Saliva samples are convenient for the user as they can be self-administered. Cheek swab samples of DNA may not consistently give sufficient DNA yields for testing.

Our 16-digit barcode is printed directly on the side of your saliva collection tube and on the box.

Saliva Collection Tube

Enter the barcode when prompted during the registration process. Please note sample processing will not begin until the registration process is complete.

You will get alerts via email / SMS at various stages indicating the status of your sample kit right from the time it is collected from you to when your results are ready.


We have made the process of getting our tests very easy. You need to order a Genessense kit from the website. The kit contains a tube in which you need to provide a little of your saliva as per the instructions and we also provide blood sample collection option as well. Once you register this kit and book its pickup on our website, your work is done! Upon reaching the lab, DNA will be extracted from your spit/blood sample and processed. Your data will be analysed in our state-of-the-art labs and a comprehensive report with your results will be generated on our website. You can login to Genessense to view and download this report for future reference.

An individual should be a minimum 18 years of age at the time of taking this test. Genessense tests can be done children who are less than 18 years of the age with prior consent from parent/guardian.

No, Genessense tests do not require a doctor's prescription and can be ordered and used by a consumer without any approval from healthcare providers. But it is advised for individuals to consult their medical practitioner before they act on the results.

Yes, you can order as many tests as you want. You can also buy these for family and friends.

Yes, since the tests are simple saliva tests you can order them for your children as well with a prior consent. However, if you are below 18 years of age, prior consent must be provided by parent/guardian.

Yes, you can take the test. However, we need an Indian shipping address to dispatch the kit to. Presently we do not ship the kits outside of India.

So far, insurance companies in India do not cover genetic tests.

When registering your kits, you can choose to establish separate accounts for each individual or place all family members in one account. There are a few aspects to consider when choosing which type of account to set up.

Separate Accounts: If you choose to create separate accounts, then each person would have their own email address and password to log in.

Shared Account: If you choose to place all family members in a single account. You will all share one email address and one password to log in and access to each person's genetic data would be available to everyone who shares the account. All the members of a shared account will have a unique profile.

Yes, Information on any new tests and offerings will be provided on a periodic basis via our awareness programs, blog, email alerts and on the site. You could buy additional tests based on what is of interest to you.

Testing Process

Your sample is tested at South Asia’s largest CAP – Accredited genetic testing lab in India. Your sample received at the lab first undergoes a series of quality checks. If the sample clears them, it is then, sent in for further testing. Once it is processed, the report is generated and shared with the consumer.

A 'Quality control fail' is when there is not enough saliva in the sample provided to extract the DNA. We fail a sample in the 'Quality Control' stage when the DNA extracted is not enough to carry out further tests. Therefore, it is crucial to follow the instructions on the website carefully while collecting the sample.

No, if the sample fails due to a lack of sample or contamination, then the refund policy does not apply. However, Genessense will offer you the choice of having a blood sample collected at your location for no extra charges so you can proceed with the test. If you prefer the saliva kit, you can buy a new kit to provide the sample again. In such a scenario your earlier sample will be flagged and not processed.

Other technical failures can be refunded. You can call our Toll Free and give your barcode number for us to do the needful.

Tests once paid for and dispatched cannot be returned.

Post Test

Our tests are designed to provide the consumer with important insights about their health. We offer genetic counselling services to help you understand the test results in detail. Our genetic counsellors can help you in understanding the results and facilitate discussions with your healthcare provider as well as family members if needed.

You will get your reports within 3 weeks from the time your sample is received at the processing lab. You will be alerted via SMS / email once the report is available online. You can use your login credentials to access the report. Sometimes unplanned delays could be expected, you will be notified of the same.

Yes, The reports are detailed and self-explanatory. However, should you want more details and help in understanding the same you can choose to schedule a call with our genetic counsellors for no extra charges. We have a team of trained and certified genetic counsellors who are available to help you understand your test results better, thus helping you plan your next steps.

No specific preparation is required. Just Call our toll free line to book your appointment. Our Genetic counsellor will call you to discuss your report in detail.

That is entirely your choice. However, since Genessense tests are based on your DNA, the results can have implications for not just the tested individual but also their blood relations. Depending on your result, your relatives may also benefit from getting tested. You may discuss the same with our genetic counsellors and with your healthcare provider.

If your reports state that you are at high risk for any of the conditions we test for, you may want your family to opt for the same test as they may also be carrying the same genes. You can discuss the further plan of action with our trained genetic counsellors and your healthcare provider. Genessense can provide you with customized bundles for your family.

Additional FAQs

It is sufficient to get the test done just one time in a person's lifetime.

These tests can influence the therapeutic management of a patient and or family member. Our reports are quite detailed and self-explanatory. In case of doubt, doctors are encouraged to contact us.

Before the sample collection/ sample pick up is scheduled by the consumer, the person needs to register on the Genessense website. During the registration process, some mandatory information needs to be filled. Family history is also asked for, but it is an optional requirement for the test.

Either blood or saliva sample is sufficient. Both are not required

Since all the tests are genetic screening tests and validated, they have a very high accuracy.

The individual can get his/her queries answered by one of our genetic counsellors and consult their doctor for suitable medical management or lifestyle changes according to the report.

Is a large group of people who have the same national, racial, common ancestry or cultural origins.

Toll free number : 1800 296 9696
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